Getting Acquainted
Dr. Greg Nelson is a professional speaker, coach, professional musician, and author of “The Strategic Stop” – a guide to creating purposeful pauses for reflection and connection in our “always-on” society. He is recognized as an expert on leadership culture transformation innovatively illustrated with words and music and has an earned doctorate in personal and organizational effectiveness. He has worked with high-profile companies and organizations such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Fitbit, Amazon, Walmart, Lyft, American Express, Sutter Health, and Golden Gate University. He also consults with nonprofit organizations that are striving to stay relevant. He has delivered thousands of talks in his former career as a pastor and then as a full-time corporate keynote speaker and coach, to both small audiences and those in the thousands.
Now in the second half of my career, I have brought this deep human understanding into my full-time leadership speaking, mentoring, & coaching. In my keynotes, I weave in my music to innovatively illustrate leadership principles in ways that inspire minds, touch hearts, and activate a desire to change the world.
I work with leaders who find themselves in a position that is increasingly complicated, chaotic, and uncertain. Change happens so rapidly. Most leaders truly want to be a transformational presence but aren't always sure about how to develop themselves and others on their own.
I've enjoyed the challenge of speaking to and working with the leaders and teams of companies like the Gates Foundation, Amazon, Walmart, Fitbit, Lyft, American Express, Applied Materials, Tonal, Sutter Health, AdventHealth, Kaiser Permanente, Golden Gate University, Trinity University, George Mason University.
My work is designed to guide leaders successfully through this cacophony of challenges by helping them develop a higher level of self-awareness. You learn to embrace your strengths and most authentic style. You are motivated to make a difference. It's not always easy. But it is possible because I see it happen all the time with my clients. As your mentor/coach/guide, I will have your back through the whole process, being an empowering support system for you.
As you can see in the picture, I love sailing, especially with my wife Shasta. It is an experience in which I feel free, liberated, and energized.
I was born to missionary parents in Japan, where I spent the first 17 years of my life. My best friends were Japanese. They played in my house and I played in theirs. We goofed around in the rice paddies, catching snakes and frogs. I spent my childhood learning the value of building bridges between the familiar and unfamiliar, between myself and those who were different from me – and I loved it.
I spent twenty plus years in the beginning of my professional life as a pastor to congregations around the United States, journeying with people from cradle to grave, building bridges to each of them in whatever life stage they were in, witnessing first-hand the very human and often messy process of living and dying. Over time, I saw with increasing clarity how living life works best; how we as humans are designed for enhanced and enlivened human existence; learning firsthand the best practices of being human. When I stood beside a dying parishioner, holding his or her hand, I never once heard them say, "I wish I had spent more time at the office.”
“Dr. Greg has made an enormous impact on our organizational culture and function and evokes more A-Ha moments than any other speaker and coach we have worked with. We are fortunate to have found him and will continue to work closely to bring his exceptional skills and charisma to our staff.”
—Holly Goshin
Senior Director
Best Buddies International